
About the company

Our Mission

Oconee Music strives to provide a consistently great experience for every member of our community: parents, students & teachers. We want our students to feel joyful during their lessons and to be excited to come make music with us. We want our instruction to be so energetic and caring that students feel like music is an integral part of their lives.

We want to have a community of students and parents that are eclectic, friendly, modern, and technology-friendly. We want parents to be excited about our innovations and enthusiastic about their child’s progress. We strive to have the most cutting-edge music lessons in town. By teaching with music kids’ love, we hope to inspire passion, practice, and a lifelong enjoyment of music.


Happy Parents = Happy Kids

two women playing a piano duet at a venue with a bass guitar player in the background

The Heart of Oconee Music

Oconee Music was founded by a mom and teacher. This is her story!

Confession time

I hated to practice when I was a kid! Everyday was battle with my mom over practice time. To me, the music was boring. My teacher never let me choose my own music and weekly lessons felt so slow. Did you take from the same teacher as I did?

Finding a Solution

I started Oconee Music after years of teaching piano lessons the “traditional way.” I was surprised when some of the most talented students quit because they were bored and struggling to learn to read music, even though they enjoyed music. As a mom, I know it’s not fun to be the bad guy with your kids, especially while pushing them to practice an instrument you thought they’d love.

The question is, how do we get our children to be excited to learn to play music? The truth is, kids do love music! We allow them independence to choose their music while focusing more on playing and less on reading notes.

The Oconee Music Method

Think of it like this, when children learn to read in school that they have already been speaking for years! Why should traditional lessons jump in with note-reading immediately?

From lesson one, we start playing songs the student enjoys. When children feel like they are playing real music, they will be more inspired to practice at home. Success nurtures more success. Our lessons and classes are designed to be adjusted according to the child’s needs, to foster their independence, and to build self-confidence through successful music performance.

Music in the Real World

Being able to play an instrument opens many doors in life – from rock bands to band programs to community choirs to church groups, there is never a lack of social opportunities for musicians. Musicians are looked up to and admired. Being a musician means being part of a supportive community of musical friends. I want that for your family and I hope you’ll join us at Oconee Music.

Join the oconee music tribe

Watch your child bloom!

Master Calendar 2025


January 2: Lessons Resume

March 21: Teen Night 

April 5: OM Festival *

April 7 – April 12: Spring Break (No Lessons)
May 3: Spring Recital *

May 26: Memorial Day (No Lessons) 

August 25 – 31: Bring a Friend to Class Week!
September 1: No Classes (Labor Day)
October 20 – 26: Halloween Costume Week!
October 25: Halloween Trunk or Treat and Open Mic 
October 31: Halloween (No Lessons)
November 26-30: Thanksgiving Break
December 13: Holiday Recital *
December 23 – January 1: Winter Break (No Lessons)


* Hosted at Watkinsville First Baptist Church 


OM Policies- Makeup Credits

Please keep your scheduled appointments. A minimum of 24-hour cancellation is required to be considered for a makeup credit. Makeup lessons are only offered for sickness and emergencies.  Lessons that fall on days we are closed due to holiday closures or inclement weather are not made up. Tuition is a flat rate. We do not prorate or offer refunds for missed lessons. 

Holidays coincide with the Oconee County School Calendar and include Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Holiday Break, Spring Break and Memorial Day.

Inclement weather closings will follow any closings announced by OCSD. 

Tuition and Fees

  •  Each payment is due on the first day of each month.
  • Tuition is late after the 5th and will result in a 20% late fee charge.
  • Tuition is not prorated or refunded for missed lessons.

Recitals and Festivals

Our 2025 festival and recitals will be held at Watkinsville First Baptist Church. 


Open to all instruments and group classes. 

Dress is casual best.

Must have been in lessons for 3 months.

Vocal music must be memorized. 

Please bring music, tuner, picks if needed.

Festival: $25 Registration Fee

Currently for piano, voice, guitar, and ukulele. 

Dress is casual best.

Must have been in lessons for 6 months. 

Vocal music must be memorized. 

Please bring music, tuner, picks if needed. 

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