Adult Music Lessons – Tips for being successful!

Adult Music Lessons – Tips for being successful!

Adult Music Lessons can be intimidating!

My student, Ann Kohler, was kind enough to sit down with me and do an interview about being an adult piano student (video below). Lots of adults tell me that they took music lessons when they were kids but dropped out for various reasons. They often want to begin again but it seems intimidating to start.

Ann has progressed from learning simple tunes to playing jazz/pop/classical standards and having a wonderful time doing music she loves! She recently played in an adult only recital and said this…


What is different from childhood music lessons?

Of course it will feel very different making space for this new hobby in your life. What I love about Ann is her great attitude! She understands that it isn’t always going to come easily, but she carves out time from her busy schedule. Just don’t let her video persona of being retired and laidback fool you, she stays very active in the community and has a full schedule with grandkids as well. The difference is that this time around it is 100% your choice and you are making the commitment on your own.

Check out the video below to hear what Ann has to say about why she started lessons again and to get her tips for being a successful adult student. One thing that stands out to me is that as an adult you have a chance to develop a sort of friendship and camaraderie with your instructor in a different way from a child.

What if I’m starting for the first time ever?

I think it’s also important to address adults that want to start an instrument for the first time ever. That is a different experience from Ann, who had lessons as a child. Honestly I think you have it easier if you’re a blank slate! You don’t have any pre-conceived notions about how fast you should be moving, or what lessons should look like. Just know that it does take time and practice will need to become a habit in your day for you to truly feel successful.

If this is something you really want, just get started and try not to overthink it! I can guarantee you, once you start, you’ll be having so much fun that you’ll wonder why it took you so long to begin. Personally, I love helping someone check an item off their bucket list (ok ok, I just love lists and checking things off lists, period!).

Life beings outside of your comfort zone.

Let’s Go!

Ann’s Interview about being a returning adult student

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