Guitar, Ukulele & Bass

Our guitar, ukulele, and bass lessons and group classes bring a smile to every child’s face. Feel like a rockstar as you learn music you love and develop as a musician on a universally loved instrument. Be the kid that can take your instrument anywhere and wow the crowd.

Kids usually love music, so why do they quit lessons?

Our guitar and ukulele lessons will keep your child engaged and excited as they experience the joy and confidence of making music from the first lesson. You’ll be amazed as they learn to play songs they enjoy and get to play top-notch performances and feel like a real rock star. Join us at Oconee Music as we support, encourage and grow musicians.  Imagine them getting up to give a speech in high school with a confidence that comes from preparing for recitals and performances their whole life. At Oconee Music, we understand that you have big dreams for your child. We value their unique personhood and want to help them reach their full potential. It’s more than just about music lessons.
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